Lianke Yan - Bücher & Infos


Neue Bücher von Lianke Yan in chronologischer Reihenfolge

  • Neuheiten 08/2009: Der Traum meines Großvaters (Details)
  • Neuheiten 08/2007: Dem Volke dienen (Details)

Lianke Yan Bücher in alphabetischer Reihenfolge

Rezensionen zu den Büchern von Lianke Yan

  • Rezension zu Der Traum meines Großvaters

    • K.-G. Beck-Ewe
    Here, China's most controversial novelist takes as his subject the contemporary AIDS blood-contamination scandal in Henan province, where villagers were coerced into selling vast quantities of blood and then infected with the AIDS virus as they were injected with plasma to prevent anaemia. Whole villages were wiped out in this way, with no responsibility taken or reparation made.
    Dream of Ding Village focuses on one village, and the story of one family, torn apart when one…

Themenlisten mit Lianke Yan Büchern