Faraway Poetry - Bücher & Infos


Neue Bücher von Faraway Poetry in chronologischer Reihenfolge

  • Neuheiten 10/2019: Sad Birds Still Sing (Details)

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Rezensionen zu den Büchern von Faraway Poetry

  • Rezension zu Sad Birds Still Sing

    • Cookie02
    Kurzbeschreibung (Amazon):
    'Sad Birds Still Sing' is a highly anticipated book of poetry from anonymous author Faraway. In less than a year, he has become one of the most recognizable figures on the platform he writes: Instagram (@farawaypoetry). In this book of selected poems and writings, Faraway takes the reader on a journey of discovery, with a message of hope running as the main artery through the pages. 'Sad Birds Still Sing' fearlessly dives into the depths of the human condition,…