Abigail Roux - Bücher & Infos


Neue Bücher von Abigail Roux in chronologischer Reihenfolge

  • Neuheiten 08/2013: Auf & Davon (Details)
  • Neuheiten 04/2013: Touch & Geaux (Details)
  • Neuheiten 08/2012: Stars & Stripes: Cut & Run, #6 (Details)
  • Neuheiten 05/2012: Armed & Dangerous (Details)
  • Neuheiten 10/2011: Divide & Conquer (Details)

Abigail Roux Bücher in alphabetischer Reihenfolge

Weitere Bücher von Abigail Roux

  • Love Ahead: Please Excuse Our Mess
  • Warrior's Cross
  • Sticks & Stones
  • Zu den Büchern

Rezensionen zu den Büchern von Abigail Roux

  • Rezension zu Caught Running

    • Cehoernchen
    Product Description von amazon.com
    Ten years after graduation, Jake "the jock" Campbell and Brandon "the nerd" Bartlett are teaching at their old high school and still living in separate worlds. When Brandon is thrown into a coaching job on Jake's baseball team, they find themselves learning more about each other than they'd ever expected. High school is all about image - even for the teachers. Brandon and Jake have to get past their preconceived notions to find the friendship needed to work…