Alice McDermott - Bücher & Infos


Neue Bücher von Alice McDermott in chronologischer Reihenfolge

  • Neuheiten 09/2016: Charming Billy (Details)
  • Neuheiten 09/2016: Qualcuno (Details)
  • Neuheiten 09/2013: Someone (Details)
  • Neuheiten 04/2006: Theresas Sommer (Details)
  • Neuheiten 2001: Irischer Abschied (Details)

Alice McDermott Bücher in alphabetischer Reihenfolge

Rezensionen zu den Büchern von Alice McDermott

  • Rezension zu Someone

    • tom leo
    Original : Englisch/USA, 2013
    INHALT :
    A novel that speaks of life as it is daily lived; a crowning achievement by one of the finest American writers
    An ordinary life-its sharp pains and unexpected joys, its bursts of clarity and moments of confusion-lived by an ordinary woman: this is the subject of Someone. Scattered recollections-of childhood, adolescence, motherhood, old age-come together in this transformative narrative, stitched into a vibrant whole by McDermott's deft, lyrical voice.