Vicky Delany - Bücher & Infos


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  • Neuheiten 07/2019: A Scandal in Scarlet (Details)

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Rezensionen zu den Büchern von Vicky Delany

  • Rezension zu A Scandal in Scarlet

    • Jisbon(:
    Inhalt: (Verlagsseite)
    Gemma and Jayne donate their time to raise money for the rebuilding of a burned out museum—but a killer wants a piece of the auction.
    Walking her dog Violet late one night, Gemma Doyle, owner of the Sherlock Holmes Bookshop, acts quickly when she smells smoke outside the West London Museum. Fortunately no one is inside, but it’s too late to save the museum’s priceless collection of furniture, and damage to the historic house is extensive. Baker Street’s shop owners…