Bruce Dickinson & Julian Doyle - Chemical Wedding

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    Jack Parsons was a brilliant chemist, member of Cal Tech propulsion unit that invented the rocket fuel used for the US space flight to the moon. He was also a fanatical believer in the Magyck of Aleister Crowley the aging occultist who considered himself 'The Beast' incarnate. In 1947 Jack Parsons and L. Ron Hubbard were performing Crowley's mystic rituals in a house in Pasadena, California.Parsons wrote excitedly to his occult leader, Crowley: 'I have had the most devastating experience of my life. I have been in direct touch with One who is most Holy and Beautiful as mentioned in your "Book of the Law". First instructions were received through Lafayette Ron Hubbard the seer. I have followed them to the letter. There was a desire for incarnation. I am to act as an instructor, guardian, guide for nine months; then it will be loosed on the world...' Crowley wrote despairingly to a disciple about Parsons: 'It appears that he has given away both his girl and his money to this writer of science fiction and is now invoking my ritual to produce a Moonchild. I am fairly frantic...'

    Nine months later while being visited by two students from Cambridge, Aleister Crowley died of cardiac degeneration. Missing from his personal possessions was his magical diaries and his pocket-watch. His funeral took place in the Chapel of the Brighton Crematorium. The final rites were performed by the novelist Louis Marlowe reading extracts from Crowley's "Book of the Law". "The Brighton Echo" denounced the whole ceremony as a Black Mass. In 1952 Jack Parsons was blown up in his laboratory in Pasadena. L. Ron Hubbard died on his yacht as leader of the Church of Scientology.But did the issue end with these three deaths? Would Crowley, as he claimed, ever return from death to rule the world? Why did US astronauts name a crater on the moon after Jack Parsons? Is L. Ron Hubbard really dead? What had been generated by the ceremony in California that seemed to signal Crowley's demise? And what happened to them missing pocket-watch? Unanswered questions till, late in the twentieth century, Dr. Joshua Mathers brought a 'state of the art 'Interactive Suit' from Cal Tech California to Cambridge in England to begin an experiment that, unknown to mankind, changed the course of our planet.

    Eigene Beurteilung/Eigenzitat aus

    Ich gestehe, dass ich mir das Buch in erster LInie gekauft habe, weil Bruce Dickinson daran mitgeschrieben hat - und wie sehr es mir gefallen hat kann man auch daran sehen, dass ich meine Zeit nicht damit verbringen werde, die Produktvorstellung zu übersetzen. Aleister Crowley hat einen gewissen Ruf und die Magie mit Begriffen und Konzepten der Quantenmechanik zusammenzubringen hat etwas für sich im Sinne, dass jede weit genug fortgeschrittene Technologie auf den Uneingeweihten wie Magie wirken muss.

    Erzählerisch ist dieses Buch eher dünn, indem es bekannte Elemente aus Crowleys und Hubbards Leben mit möglichen Erklärungen sogenannter Rätsel verbindet. Das ist eingeschränkt interessant und wandert immer wieder in die Verschwörungsheorieecke, wo sehr deutlich wird, wie dünn deren Beweisführungen in der Regel sind.

    Es gibt ein paar nette Exkurse zur Bibel-Exegese und zur Namensgeschichte Cambridges, für die ich ein paar Sterne gebe, aber das ist es dann auch. Muss man eindeutig nicht gelesen haben - und schon gar nicht zu den Phantasiepreisen, zu denen die physischen Ausgaben dieses Titels im Moment angeboten werden.