Mysteries for Christmas: What the Shepherd Saw, the Ghosts at Grantley, the Mystery of Room Five,...
Buch von Arthur Conan Doyle, Edgar Wallace, G. K. Chesterton, Saki, Weitere s. u.

Titel: Mysteries for Christmas: What the She...
Arthur Conan Doyle (Autor) , Edgar Wallace (Autor) , G. K. Chesterton (Autor) , Saki (Autor) , R. Austin Freeman (Autor) , Fred M. White (Autor) , Arthur Cheney Train (Autor) , Wilkie Collins (Autor) , Baroness Emma Orczy (Autor) , Louisa May Alcott (Autor) , Montague Rhodes James (Autor) , Thomas Hardy (Autor) , Robert Louis Stevenson (Autor) , Sabine Baring-Gould (Autor) , Nathaniel Hawthorne (Autor) , Charles Dickens (Autor) , Fergus Hume (Autor) , John Kendrick Bangs (Autor) , Jerome K. Jerome (Autor) , Leonard Kip (Autor) , Catherine Crowe (Autor) , Lucie E. Jackson (Autor) , William Douglas O'Connor (Autor) , Frank R. Stockton (Autor) , James Bowker (Autor) , Grant Allen (Autor) , Florence Marryat (Autor) , Katherine Rickford (Autor) , J. M. Barrie (Autor) , Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu (Autor) , George MacDonald (Autor) , Bithia Mary Croker (Autor) , Mary Elizabeth Braddon (Autor) , Catherine L. Pirkis (Autor) , E. F. Benson (Autor)
Verlag: e-artnow
Format: E-Book
Seitenzahl: 1.410
ISBN: 9788027301317
Termin: November 2017
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