Tim Meyer - Bücher in Reihenfolge


Neue Bücher von Tim Meyer in chronologischer Reihenfolge

  • Neuheiten 10/2019: 69 (Details)
  • Neuheiten 03/2019: Lords of the Deep (Details)
  • Neuheiten 07/2018: The Switch House (Details)
  • Neuheiten 07/2018: Kill Hill Carnage (Details)
  • Neuheiten 03/2018: Defiance (Details)

Tim Meyer Bücher in alphabetischer Reihenfolge

Bücherserien von Tim Meyer in der richtigen Reihenfolge

Demon Blood Buchserie (3 Bände)

  1. Enlightenment (noch nicht übersetzt)
  2. Gateways (noch nicht übersetzt)
  3. Defiance (noch nicht übersetzt)

Sunfall Buchserie (3 Bände)

  1. Season One (noch nicht übersetzt)
  2. Season Two (noch nicht übersetzt)
  3. Season Three (noch nicht übersetzt)

Rezensionen zu den Büchern von Tim Meyer

  • Rezension zu 69

    • Dave2311
    Tim Meyer - 69
    “Everything is sixty-nine.”
    It happened suddenly. Overnight. Inside Spring Lakes Assisted Living, seven residents - sixty-nine years of age - died mysterious deaths. Only... they aren’t really dead. Their bodies remain still, their staring eyes void of life; yet their hearts continue to beat, their lungs fight for oxygen, and somewhere within their petrified bodies their souls cling to life.
    No one has a rational explanation for what’s happening. Three investigators from…
  • Rezension zu The Switch House

    • Dave2311
    Autor - Titel:
    Tim Meyer - The Switch House
    Sprache: englisch
    Bindung: E-Book
    Schlagworte: Okkult, Horror, Alpträume, Gewissen, Verlust, Wahnsinn
    Tim Meyer dwells in a dark cave near the Jersey Shore. He's an author, husband, father, podcast host, blogger, coffee connoisseur, beer enthusiast, and explorer of worlds. He writes horror, mysteries, science fiction, and thrillers, although he prefers to blur genres and let the story fall where it may.
    You can follow Tim at…
  • Rezension zu Kill Hill Carnage

    • Dave2311
    Autor - Titel:
    Tim Meyer - Kill Hill Carnage
    Sprache: englisch
    Bindung: E-Book
    Schlagworte: Horror, Monster, Mutation, Ferienlager
    These woods are dark and full of monsters…
    In 1991, hell was unleashed upon Saint Christopher’s Summer Camp for Kids. The killers left behind piles of bodies and rivers of blood. Some say a family of inbred cannibals was responsible. A masked psychopath with a butcher's knife is another popular theory. Some still believe a camp counselor…