Stephen Collins - Bücher & Infos


Neue Bücher von Stephen Collins in chronologischer Reihenfolge

  • Neuheiten 02/2014: Der gigantische Bart, der böse war (Details)

Stephen Collins Bücher in alphabetischer Reihenfolge

Rezensionen zu den Büchern von Stephen Collins

  • Autor - Titel:
    Stephen Collins - The gigantic beard that was evil
    Sprache: englisch
    Genre: Graphiknovelle, Haare, Gesellschaft, Träume, Sehnsucht
    Verlag: Picador
    Bindung: gebunden
    Seiten: 240
    The job of the skin is to keep it all in...
    On the island of Here, livin's easy. Conduct is orderly. Lawns are neat. Citizens are clean shaven-and Dave is the most fastidious of them all. Dave is bald, but for a single hair. He loves drawing, his desk job, and the Bangles. But on one fateful day, his life…