Neal Wooten - Bücher & Infos


Neue Bücher von Neal Wooten in chronologischer Reihenfolge

  • Neuheiten 04/2014: The Balance (Details)

Neal Wooten Bücher in alphabetischer Reihenfolge

Rezensionen zu den Büchern von Neal Wooten

  • Rezension zu The Balance

    • Chaotin
    Originaltitel: The Balance
    Seiten: 264
    Erschienen bei: Bold Strokes Books
    Inhalt (laut Verlagswebsite):
    In a dystopian future, life hangs in the balance.
    Piri is a nineteen-year-old boy who lives in a technological metropolis that rises above the clouds. But when an accident drops him out of the city, everything changes. At first terrified by the atrocious reality of life on the surface, including surviving gruesome creatures known as Scavs, Piri is soon mesmerized by the bond they have for one…